Provider Qualifications
Our clinical team is comprised of licensed mental health professionals. All providers of clinical services through TelebehavioralHealth.US are required to
Be in good standing their professional license in all practice states.
Maintain active registration with the Council on Affordable and Quality Healthcare (CAQH).
Have a minimum of four years of direct clinical practice experience with at least two of those years in an outpatient setting.
Complete training on standards in telehealth as well as information privacy and security training annually.
Follow all TelebehavioralHealth.US Standard Operating Procedures
Comply with professional laws and ethics.
Demonstrate competency in the following evidence-based practices.
Motivational Interviewing
Trauma Informed Care
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Participate in ongoing direct individual and group clinical supervision to assure the highest quality of clinical care.
Maintain professional liability insurance with $1,000,000/$3,000,000 limits of liability.